The 2024 trip to Costa Rica was such a success Holbrook Travel and I are planning two trips to this bird photography paradise in the coming year, one in April and the other in November. Details of both trips are being finalized. Next year we will be adding trips to wetland areas in the north of Costa Rica, including Cano Negro, described as Costa Rica's Everglades. The trip in April starts with an overnight at the beautiful Hotel Bougainvillea where the gardens offer great bird photography opportunities. There we will have dinner and meet our local guide for an orientation.

                                Of course we will also visit favorite locations from the 2024 trip including Selva Verde Lodge and Reserve in Sarapiqui; Copearte, home of the artist and photographer known as Cope to photograph hummingbirds and other species in the garden, the Macaw Farm operated by Don Alvaro Otoya where brilliantly colored Scarlet and Great Green Macaws fly free and perch in the trees in the garden. One day in Sarapiqui is set aside for relaxation, wandering the grounds at Selva Verde where over 300 species of birds can be found, or engaging in various local activities including whitewater rafting, a tour of a chocolate plantation, a guided hike in the rainforest reserve with a guide. horseback riding or exploring the canopy of the forest.

                                 Once again we are offering a trip extension in April to Savegre Hotel Natural Reserve and Spa, a beautiful lodge nestled high in the cloud forest in San Gerardo de Dota. On the way we will stop at Miriam's Quetzals for lunch a delicious lunch and the opportunity to photograph birds from the deck. Dates for the trip extension are April 17-20. Savegre is among the best places in Costa Rica to see the Resplendent Quetzal. While at Savegre we will visit Batsu Gardens to find beautiful species like the Golden-browed Chlorophonia, Flame Tanager, Emerald Toucanet, Silver-throated Tanager and various species of hummingbirds.

As final details become available for both trips I will post them here. If you would like to be added to the email list please contact me. I hope you will join us in Costa Rica next year!!



















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